about the artist

Born and raised in Unama’ki, L’nue’kati - Kaylyn Bernard has been expressing her creative spirit since she was a young child. Now, a mother with a career running a business in the design & illustration field with her sibling Kassidy, she has found a certain kind of peace in craftsmanship. While crafting she is able to express her creativity more freely, tend to her spirit and connect deeper with her roots.

Kaylyn holds great value in honouring the same materials her ancestors worked with such as; birch bark, ash wood, porcupine quills, bone, fur, antler, stone & more. She comes from a family of crafters and basket makers and is in the process of learning how to weave traditional Mi’kmaw baskets and quill boxes. She is also exploring working with caribou, fish leather & seal skin.

Aside from traditional materials she also works with contemporary materials such as; various types of beads, resin and epoxy, faux leather, glass spikes, fabric and more. She also utilizes her illustration skills to create her own designs for cabs, art prints, templates & patterns.

Kaylyn takes special care in making sure her works are created with good energy. She is a sober mother who has a close relationship with the Land and Spirit, has strong family values and cultural roots, and enjoys lending her strengths to the revitalization and preservation of Mi’kmaw language, traditions and community well-being. These parts of her spirit are reflected in the energy poured into each piece she creates.

Mukla'qati (Kelly's Mountain), in Unama'ki "Land of the Fog" (also known as Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia)

Kaylyn on top of Mukla'qati (Kelly's Mountain), an important landmark to her people in her homeland of Unama'ki "Land of the Fog" (Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia), the 7th district of L'nue'kati (Mi'kma'ki). Not far from here lies the legendary Kluskap’s Cave, the sacred site of Mi’kmaw legend Kluskap.